New 8 Week Session- Learn to Tumble
Introduction to Acro/tumble for 5- 10 yr olds. This is an 8-week class that is structured just for New Students. This fun class explores basic gymnastics/Acro - Tumbling and Contortion. $105 + gst. Dancers must sign up for the full 8-week session
8 Week January “Learn to Dance”
Part of our Twinklestar dance program is our “Learn to Dance” class is an age-appropriate and fun class for the new dancer. This class is a non-performing 8-week session of dance. It is the perfect “Starter” class for children. The session runs Jan 16- Mar 5th
Parent and Tot Registration open
Now taking Registration for Parent and Tot 8 Week Sessions starting inApril 2025! Dancers as young as 12 months up to 36 months may participate in this wonderful twinklestar program."
Ballet Jorgen Masterclass
After 30 previous seasons, we are excited to enter into our 31st season, which will undoubtedly prove to be a magical time. Feel free to register for class at any time convenient for you. Registration is available online 24/7. All Recreational classes and Adult classes are online and open for registration. All competitive classes are available by audition, for proper placement, until mid-August