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The Studio will be Closed Monday October 31st.

      Coming Up!

Winter Parent and Tot Winter session (Nov 12 – Jan 14) Now accepting Registration!

Sign up online


                              We are ready when she is!                             .

Established in Abbotsford in 1994, we are now celebrating our 27th year of excellence as one of the most established Dance Schools in the Fraser Valley.  At ADC we strive to make dance AFFORDABLE and available to everyone.

We believe that our youngest dancers deserve the very best instructors. That is why instructors that teach the most advanced classes also teach the 2-6 year old dancers. Our goal for the dancers, is to provide an education in dance that will yield a well-rounded, balanced dancer capable of performing multiple styles of dance. Equipping them with a well-rounded education is an essential ingredient in gaining acceptance into university, a professional dance company or the Workforce.

[button title=”ADC Brochure” link=”https://abbotsforddancecenter.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Brochure-2021-22-1.pdf” description=”” width=”200px” bgcolor=”#002540″ color=”#fff” picture=”” height=”100″ version=”light” position=”center”]

What is Twinkle Star Dance Program



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It is the Best program for the recreational dancer ever developed! and it is ONLY available at ADC !!! Register today


  Please email us at abbotsforddancecenter@gmail.com or facebook message @ https://www.facebook.com/AbbotsfordDanceCentre/

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