Introduction to Acro/tumble for 5- 10 yr olds. This is an 8-week class that is structured just for New Students. This fun class explores basic  gymnastics/Acro - Tumbling and Contortion. $105 + gst. Dancers must sign up for the full 8-week session

Part of our Twinklestar dance program is our “Learn to Dance” class is an age-appropriate and fun class for the new dancer. This class is a non-performing 8-week session of dance. It is the perfect “Starter” class for children.  The session runs Jan 16- Mar 5th

This session is "Sold Out" "Now taking Registration for this Popular Dance for Toddlers class. With the assistance of an adult, our tiny dancers learn to dance. This is a wonderfully age-appropriate class for the under 3-year-olds. This class curriculum is designed to allow dancers to learn at their own pace. Parents or caregivers are there to assist as they need. This class is non-performance, so no costume is required to participate in this class. This class is an 8-week session for $80+gst and runs on Saturday mornings